Low Expansion Foam System
The VTI low expansion foam extinguishing system which is approved by most of the major classification societies
The foam solution discharging devices (Monitor, Applicator and Nozzle) are primarily designed as an integrated part of the VTI low expansion foam system.
The Discharging Devices are feed with pressurised Foam-solution from the foam central. At design inlet pressure and design capacity, foam-solution from the outlet of discharging devices hits the protected fire area and then bubble is generated. VTI low expansion foam extinguishing system will work as an effective extinguishing system for B type fire.
Normally Low Expansion Foam System extinguishing fire involves No. 2 of the following techniques:
1.Remove heat at a faster rate than it is released
2. Separate the fuel from the oxidizing agent
3. Dilute the vapor-phase concentration of the fuel and/or oxidizing agent below that necessary for combustion
4. Terminate the chemical chain-reaction sequence
According to IBC Code, FSS Code & SOLAS regulation II-2 which states that on oil tanker or chemical tanker cargo deck area there should be provided with a fixed deck foam system. For all helicopter decks there should be installed Fixed Deck Fire Extinguishing System also. .
High Risk Area
Cargo Deck for FSO
Cargo Deck for FPSO
Cargo Deck for Oil Tanker
Cargo Deck for Chemical Tanker
Off Loading Area/Deck
Helicopter Deck Area
Areas for Methyl/Ethyl Alcohol as Fuel
Other Open Area
A low expansion foam system comprises Foam Tank, Foam Liquid, Foam Pump, Propoertioner, Foam Discharging Devices, Pipe work and Zone Valves etc.
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